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Mandatory Skilled Nursing Hours Claims: Are You Covered?

Mandatory Skilled Nursing Hours Claims: Are You Covered?

As coverage counsel for policyholders, we see a variety of cases, claims, and complaints. In recent years we have observed a growing trend in health care litigation. Specifically, claims alleging violations of California Health and Safety Code Section 1276.5, which requires skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) to provide at least 3.2 nursing hours per day for each facility resident (3.2 Requirement). In the past, the 3.2 Requirement was mainly enforced by the California Department of Public Health, not private individuals. However, skilled nursing facility residents have the right to bring a private cause of action alleging violations of the 3.2 Requirement (3.2 Claims). The Lavender, et al. v. Skilled Healthcare Group, Inc., et al. matter,1 which resulted in a 2010 jury verdict of more than $670 million for plaintiff skilled nursing facility residents asserting, among other things, 3.2 Claims, demonstrates how disastrous such claims can be for skilled nursing facilities that litigate such claims through trial.

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