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Alene Taber Moderates at BizFed Institute's 2024 Transportation Forum

April 03 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST

2024 Transportation Forum: Business and the Mobility Revolution

Panel 1:  Building Tomorrow’s Transportation System
Panel 2:  Good Movement & Supply Chain
Panel 3:  The Path to Zero Emissions

Union Station, Los Angeles


Alene Taber - Moderator: The Path to Zero Emissions
Alene Taber is Counsel and Hanson Bridgett LLP and represents clients before planning commissions, city councils, and administrative hearing boards, as well as in state and federal, on land development and environmental matters. Previously, Alene worked at SCADQMD for more than 12 years. She also served as a city planner with the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and the City of Carson.

More Information
Alene Taber
Alene Taber
Los Angeles, CA