Hanson Bridgett public agency and construction section attorneys have long history of assisting our public agency clients with their infrastructure projects across California. We have drafted, assembled or revised hundreds of sets of procurement documents for a wide range of infrastructure facilities, often valued in the hundred of millions of dollars, including:
- Bus transit facilities
- Rail transit facilities
- Ferry transit facilities
- Transit maintenance facilities
- Transit tunnels
- Recycled water facilities
- Desalination facilities
- Water transmission and treatment facilities
- Wastewater transmission and treatment facilities
- Community college facilities
- Healthcare Facilities and Hospitals construction, including seismic retrofits
- Photovoltaic infrastructure
- Office buildings
Our goal is to help clients achieve a successful outcome for their projects considering the clients' objectives and criteria. Early in the project we assist clients with evaluating project delivery options available under applicable law. We have significant recent experience with a number of design-build and progressive design-build projects, which is perhaps the fastest growing delivery method for public works projects in California. After assembling the procurement and contract documents, we assist clients with bid and proposal award procedures including resolution of any protests. We normally remain engaged with the project after award to assist with any issues that may arise during design and construction, particularly if there are significant change order negotiations or disputes. Where there are disputes or construction claims Hanson Bridgett's Chamber's ranked construction colleagues lend a hand to help resolve matters informally or litigate the disputes.
Our infrastructure practice is bolstered both by our government practice group and our construction practice group. By combining the expertise of these two groups, we provide our clients with a unique breadth and depth of knowledge and experience on all aspects of public construction law, project delivery, contract drafting issues, and resolution of claims and disputes. Our government group attorneys have served as general counsel to a variety of public agencies in the transportation, water, sanitation, fire, hospital, and municipal sectors for more than 40 years. That experience has allowed us to develop insights into how public agencies function. Our construction group has a national-level practice focusing on complex private and public construction projects and disputes, and is staffed by attorneys who are recognized as being among the best in their field, many of which have engineering and construction experience. Combining these two strengths allows Hanson Bridgett to guide clients through all of the complexities infrastructure projects can present with practical solutions, skill, and judgment. We look forward to adding value to your teams.
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News & Resources
Federal Government Contracting: What to Expect Under Second Trump Administration
This article predicts ways a second Trump administration may impact construction projects. This article examines the Buy American Act, the Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act, Tariffs, and P3s.
Carbon Capture and Sequestration: Key Updates on Permitting and Regulatory Requirements in California
Learn about the latest updates on carbon capture and sequestration permitting in California, including key regulatory requirements and insights for developers.
Regulations for Logistic Operations Just Got a Lot More Complicated
In the past month, California and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) took actions that will significantly impact warehousing in California. First, on September 29, 2024, Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation (AB98) that will require certain new or expanded (20% or more) logistic uses to adhere to new site plan and building standards. Second, on September 11, 2024, the EPA approved the South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD) Rule 2305, “Warehouse Indirect Source Rule—Warehouse Actions and Investments to Reduce Emissions (WAIRE) Program" as part of the California State Implementation Plan.
FERC’s New Rule Clarifies California’s Water Quality Authority
FERC and EPA adopt new rules clarifying when and how California should issue water quality certifications for certain federally-permitted or -licensed projects like hydroelectric dams.
California Expands Progressive Design-Build Authority to Most Public Agencies
More flexibility presents new challenges. Agencies can simplify contracting for complex projects, but face challenging negotiations and price uncertainty.
2024 New Laws Series, Part 3: Infrastructure Package Expands Progressive Design-Build and Design-Build, Streamlines CEQA for Select Projects
David Gehrig and Catherine Groves of Hanson Bridgett discusses the California State Legislature passing three bills, SB 706 (Caballero), AB 400 (Blanca Rubio), and SB 149 (Caballero), in 2023 which help public agencies with infrastructure projects.
Army Corps Finalizes New Clean Water Act Nationwide Permits That May Benefit Infrastructure Projects
US Army Corps of Engineers finalized a rule renewing nationwide permits under the Clean Water Act for projects involving discharges of dredge or fill material to jurisdictional waters