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Claire Collins Speaking at ACWA 2024 Fall Conference

Palm Desert, CA
December 04 | 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM PST

AB 2257 was written by ACWA’s Legal Affairs Committee to protect water agencies against “sneak attack” lawsuits on water rate structures.  Join three members of the bill-writing team to find out how to take advantage of this new law, which authorizes water retailers to prohibit ratepayer lawsuits unless an objection is raised to the rate design prior to adoption.  Program participants will receive a model form of local ordinance and guidelines on how customize it for your agency, adopt, and implement it.

Claire Collins: "Protect Yourself from a Rate Lawsuit! Implementing the ACWA Prop. 218 Bill (AB 2257)​​​"

Register here
Claire Hervey Collins
Claire Collins
Los Angeles, CA