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Patrick Miyaki

Patrick T. Miyaki

(415) 995-5048


Pat has been representing local government agencies for more than 30 years as both general counsel and special counsel. He represents water districts, sanitary districts, cities, and joint powers agencies. In his role as general counsel, he attends and advises clients at board, committee, and executive staff meetings, drafts ordinances and resolutions, and handles a wide variety of legal issues pertaining to local government. Pat provides guidance on open meeting, transparency, and conflict of interest laws, as well as government ethics. Pat works closely with the policy making body and with staff to achieve the goals and objectives of the agency.  Pat also works closely with consultants and other firm attorneys to meet all the needs of the agency.  Pat understands the business of the agencies he works with and serves as a trusted advisor to those agencies.  

In his role as counsel to water districts, Pat provides guidance on establishing and adopting rates, fees and charges, including compliance with the requirements of Proposition 218, Proposition 26, and the Mitigation Fee Act. He provides counsel on issues relating to water recycling, water conservation, and groundwater management and protection. He also assists in matters related to water supply, such as water supply assessments and verifications, subdivision agreements, water service extensions, and inter-agency arrangements.

Pat assists clients through the government contracting process by negotiating and drafting many types of contracts. He is experienced with large public construction contracts and complex high technology agreements. He also handles contractual arrangements for the sale, transport, and use of water.  Pat counsels clients in connection with property-related transactions, including the sale and acquisition of property and the use of government and private property. He develops policies and procedures for the management of public property and assists with implementation.


J.D. cum laude Santa Clara University School of Law ( 1992 )
B.A. summa cum laude San Francisco State University ( 1989 )

Admissions and Courts


Alameda County Water District. Serves as general counsel.

North Coast County Water District. Serves as general counsel.

Coastside County Water District. Serves as general counsel.

Japanese Cultural Community Center of Northern California, Former Board Member

Bar Association of San Francisco

Asian American Bar Association

Department of Political Science, San Francisco State University, Alumnus of the Year (May 2015)