Business Disruption Strategies
Business Disruption Strategies
There is no “business as usual” in today’s business environment. This is a time of uncertainty and turmoil in the capital markets, supply chains, service industries, retail and e-commerce industry, health industry, and travel industry. Leaders and entrepreneurs find themselves trying to understand how to interpret contract terms in light of these changing circumstances, and how to determine their rights, obligations, and remedies.
Our firm has experience not only with issues unique to early-stage, start-up businesses and their founders, but also with the multiple, complex challenges that large, established companies face with their workforce, bankers, vendors, suppliers, customers, brand, and reputation.
Our extensive experience analyzing, interpreting, drafting, enforcing, and negotiating solutions within the context of commercial and real estate contracts translates to the efficient and effective guidance clients need to stay in front of all the changes. This includes containing and minimizing the effects of COVID-19 on families, companies, employees, business associates, customers, suppliers, and lenders.
We advise businesses in virtually all industries and sectors in a wide variety of areas, including:
- Bankruptcy and insolvency
- Real estate
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Asset dispositions
- Corporate restructuring
- Privacy
- Labor and employment law
- Employee benefits
- Equity and debt finance
- Tax
- Securities
- Private equity
- Venture capital
- Workforce health and health care
Key Contacts
News & Resources
COVID-19 Legislation: New Paycheck Protection Program Loan Rules Allow Second Round Funding and Deductibility of Expenses Paid with Forgivable Loan Proceeds
DOL recently stated that the use of private equity investments within professionally managed asset allocation funds is not inconsistent with the plan fiduciaries' ERISA fiduciary duties.
Repricing Underwater Stock Options
Before undertaking a stock option repricing program, consider the tax impact on employees holding ISOs, and corporate and securities laws that govern repricing programs.
Negotiating VC Term Sheets in a Recession
During a recession, founders need to weigh the benefit of receiving financing now vs. the potential chilling effect on future rounds of equity investment.
Federal Reserve Continues to Revise Main Street Lending Program
The Federal Reserve has further revised the terms for the upcoming Main Street Lending Program in order to expand access to the program's three loan facilities.
More Flexibility for PPP Loans Under New Legislation
The new legislation changes PPP loan forgiveness requirements and intends to make the program more flexible for existing and new small business borrowers.
No Deduction for You
The IRS has issued guidance that no deduction is allowed for otherwise deductible expenses if the payment of the expense results in forgiveness of a CARES Act loan and the income associated with the forgiveness is excluded from gross income.
CARES Act Update: New SBA Guidance on PPP Loan 'Necessity'
In certain circumstances, including factors caused by COVID-19, bankruptcy may be the best option for your business.
Top Ten Signals That Your Company is or May be a Candidate for Bankruptcy
In certain circumstances, including factors caused by COVID-19, bankruptcy may be the best option for your business.
SBA Issues Guidance on PPP Loans for Law, Accounting, and Other Service Partnerships
The SBA issues new guidance on the treatment of service partners for the CARES Act Payroll Protection Program, clarifying that partners may not submit a separate PPP loan application.
The Main Street Lending Program: How it Works and Who is it For?
New COVID-19 Main Street Lending Program is for mid-sized businesses with up to 10,000 employees or less than $2.5 billion in revenue.